Delicious, FUN probiotics

So today I played some more with water kefir. Turns out you can make your own delicious, fizzy, cream soda loaded with gut-friendly probiotics right at home, and in a very short time!

Water Kefir-based Cream Soda

If you don’t know about water kefir, here’s a little info;

Water kefir is a probiotic beverage that can easily be made at home, which is linked to a range of health benefits. Dairy-free, gluten-free and vegan-friendly, water kefir provides beneficial bacteria and yeasts your body needs. The probiotic bacteria found in this drink plays a strong role in so many aspects of our health, including immune function, improving immunity and even protecting against certain types of cancer. improving your energy, lowers stress, prevents muscle cramps, and nourishes your skin. (all according to WebMD).

I’ve been making water kefir for some time now, and recentlly decided to use it as a pre-rinse on my scalp, to see what it would do for the allergic itchies I often get when exposed to chemical fragrance. I poured it all over my head, massaged it into my scalp and, in seconds, the irritation was gone. Then I washed my hair as usual. I have to say, I loved the extra softness!

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