A Dandy Day

My daughter and I just sowed 10,000 dandelion seeds on my half-acre lawn. Today was glorious…no neighbors were doing laundry or burning things, so the air was breathable, even for me. 🙂 The bit of land I’m living on is predominantly hard-packed red clay. Very little grows…except…a few of my favorite local “weeds”. And I’m … Read more

Delicious, FUN probiotics

So today I played some more with water kefir. Turns out you can make your own delicious, fizzy, cream soda loaded with gut-friendly probiotics right at home, and in a very short time! If you don’t know about water kefir, here’s a little info; Water kefir is a probiotic beverage that can easily be made … Read more

Spring is just ahead – apprentice & plantain herb

Spring comes rolling round regardless of the dates we humans put on our calendars. For example, Spring on the mountain comes about 2 weeks after Spring opens in the valley just 14 road miles below. The plants tell us when Spring has sprung. Yesterday, even though March 21st is 6 weeks away, Michael and I … Read more

Once Upon A Time

My favorite stories have always been the stories of my ancestors. Two of my greatest passions are plants (especially herbs) and genealogy. I will never be completely sure whether my passions are inborn, or simply obtained through osmosis from my family. I learned sewing and quilting from my mother, who learned from her mother and … Read more

Introduction to Herbalism Workshop

Every plant you see represented on the table in the photo was harvested by me, just days before my free workshop at The Farmacy, in Manchester, TN in August 2020. About half of these organics have grown wild on my lawn for 30+ years and the other half were grown by me, organically, in containers. … Read more